

The contemporary theatre I make draws influence from Grotowski and Ceremonial theatre. My work contains physical theatre, spoken word, song, dance and text. Performances give opportunity for transformation, healing and awakening to both myself and the audience. A recurring element of my work has been to break the fourth wall and engage audiences in participation. I champion slow burn, long development, process based work.

For me theatre and acting are tools for self realisation, the more I know myself, the more of a performer I become, the more I have to offer an audience in their becoming. Practice and rehearsals enable me to take off my casual habituations and reveal my self nakedly, without censorship. Performances are not an end in themselves. They are more like monumental signposts along the way, naming my place of arrival.

Rehearsing has become a deep spiritual practice for me.

Interests: Theatre as medicine. The interconnectedness of everything. Consciousness. The body. Sacred songs.